Electric Vehicle Charger Planning
Electric vehicle charger planning for intra-city travel is complex as it requires multiple data sources on existing charger locations, work and leisure trip patterns, points of interest for deploying new stations, power network properties, and sociodemographic features. EV Charger Pro is an interactive tool that generates comprehensive expansion plans with versatile analytics, including charger location optimization, POI assessment, and Network Science anslytics.
Filter Station Properties based on
Availability status
Access restrictions
Connector type
Network properties
Number of L2 and DC outlets
Spatial Pivot Table
The shades represent the the ratio of two metrics, e.g., number of L2 outlets over EV owners
The metrics include EV ownership, charger properties, ward populations, and EDI metrics
Points of Interest Analysis
Assess points of interest (POI) by drag/dropping chargers
POIs are also classified into fewer categories for better assessment
Add and Customize New Stations
Add new address
Customize properties including network properties, pricing, and charger type (L2,DC) and number of outlets
Change the properties of already existing and newly added stations
Ward Properties
Click on wards to view their features
Features include, EV ownership patterns and number/type of chargers
Optimize Charger Locations
Optimize the type and number of chargers in each ward by changing 11 factors
The optimization considers travel patterns, including work and leisure trips for origin-destination pairs
Outputs in the results panel include total incoming and outgoing chargers, number of types of chargers to be deployed, and total cost
Network Science Analysis
Generate a network where two stations are connected if their distance is less than a threshold
Assess network properties, including reliability, accessibility, and betweenness to identify critical chargers in the network
Power Network Integration
Identify feasible locations based on the properties of the power/electricity network
Assess local overloads of the power network caused by EV charging
Save and load previous designs
Compile auto-generated reports