Electric Vehicle Charger Planning

  • Charging demand prediction using the Traveler Tomorrow Survey (or its equivalent for other cities) and EV ownership data

  • Points-of-Interest analysis within a radius of stations using Mapbox APIs

  • Optimization of new charger stations based on user-defined preferences

  • “Network Science” analysis of the station network properties


Parking Pricing Optimization

  • Parking occupancy prediction based on hourly price rates

  • Interactive adjustment of parking zone prices and capacities

  • Includes hourly pricing, progressive pricing, and time-of-day pricing

  • Optimization of price rates based on user preferences


Bikeshare Growth Planning

  •  Add/modify station properties such as dock capacity

  • Predict rider flow between stations, including newly added ones

  • Investigate and visualize transit integration efficiency

  • Assess micro-level properties of stations, including proximity to points of interest

  • Optimize new bikeshare station locations based on equity weights


Automated Speed Enforcement Logistics

  • Community safety zone scoring based on user-defined criteria

  • Optimization of ASE logistics, including selection of the cycle time for relocating cameras and relocation strategy

  • School zone analysis based on user-defined coverage areas

  • Collision analysis and hotspot detection


Electric Vehicle Routing Optimization

  • Optimization of charging schedule for a given origin destination pair

  • Adjustable EV properties including battery size, initial charge level, and destination charge

  • KPI analysis including route time, distance, total charge time, and state-of-charge profile


Drone Delivery Routing

  • Optimization of truck+drone delivery logistics to minimize the total delivery time

  • Adjustable drone properties, including range, speed, launch setup time, and number of available drones

  • Analysis of route properties, including the flight time for each drone, layover time of drones and trucks at rendezvous points, and delivery time-savings achieved by the drones

  • Available at: dronesidekick.web.app


Multi-modal Transportation Navigation

  • Transfer point optimization for any two chosen modes from driving, cycling, walking, and transit

  • Customizable based on user preferences

  • Analysis of KPIs, including GhGs, calories, travel time, and distance


Fire Department Logistics

  • Add/remove/modify fire station locations

  • Manipulate fire station coverage areas

  • Response time prediction and visualization

  • Furue demand forecasting